Summer Shred: Your Ultimate Guide to Losing Weight

The summer is around the corner. What this means for some is that it’s time to shine in great bathing suits and summer dresses. But if you don’t feel quite summer-ready, what are some things that you can do to prepare for your summer shred? Here are a few tips to help you with your efforts to start losing weight: 

Woman holding purple dumbbells ready for a summer weight loss workout
Get ready for summer with our weight loss and exercise tips

Get moving 

You probably know just how important exercise is for weight loss, but if you don’t, here is your reminder. Any kind of movement, whether it be walking, working out at the gym, or running, can be hugely beneficial for your weight loss goals.

In some situations, you may want to work with a personal trainer to define a plan that is geared towards helping you reach your goals. Some people’s bodies and metabolism respond better to cardio, while others tend to lose weight when they incorporate weightlifting into their routines. Figure out what works best for you for the optimal outcome of your workout routine.  

Weight loss medications

In some situations, people can benefit from the use of weight-loss medications. While it’s always important to talk to your medical provider about weight loss medications so that you’re taking the right amount and what’s safe for you, it can be helpful for individuals who have issues that impact their ability to lose weight in more traditional ways. They may prescribe medications for a time to help kickstart your weight loss journey while encouraging you to adopt methods that are sustainable for long-term weight loss and fitness maintenance. 

Eat well

While you know that a healthy diet is good for you and good for weight loss, you may not know what works for your body and your health needs. It doesn’t hurt to work with a dietician to help you figure out the best diet for your health goals and overall nutrition needs. They can help you design a meal plan that works and that helps you quickly and effectively lose weight. They may suggest meal subscriptions that make it easy for you to plan meals, or they could recommend a plan designed entirely for you and your body. Either way, take time to figure out the best way to eat for your fitness and health goals. It will serve you well in the end. 

Rest easy

We don’t want to forget how important good sleep is when you want to lose weight. It can be easy to skip good rest, especially when trying to wake up early to fit in a workout. However, your rest and quality sleep can be just as important as your diet and movement.

You may need to incorporate a calming routine that helps get you ready for bed every day. Or you may want to talk to your medical provider about sleep supplements that can aid you in developing better sleep habits. There are solutions to poor sleep, so don’t forget to take care of your sleep when hoping to lose weight. 

Find an accountability partner

Woman's feet on a pink scale, showcasing the start of a weight loss journey for summer.
Step up your summer shred with smart weight management strategies.

When hoping to lose weight, it can be difficult to stay on top of it when you’re going at it alone. That’s why working with an accountability partner can be a game-changer. Whether it’s your spouse, your friend, a personal trainer, or even just a fitness app, find a way to check in daily with someone (or something) who can hold you accountable. Along with an accountability friend, keeping track of your progress can go a long way toward helping you stay on top of your fitness goals.

In Conclusion

Losing weight is possible. With tips like the ones above, you can get ready for the summer in a healthy way. Talk to your doctor if you need some medical support, and make sure you’re setting yourself up for success with the best diet and workout routine. Your summer body is possible!