Tips for Planning Your First Trip to Mexico

Mexico is filled with a rich culture and delicious food and drinks. Their culture has been adopted worldwide, and whether you consider ourself a foodie or an avid traveler deciding on your next trip, Mexico should be your choice. Before you plan your exciting adventure in Mexico, following these tips will ensure you are well-prepared.

Choose the Best Trip

When traveling to Mexico, you have an unlimited number of places you can visit. There are many areas with unique cultural experiences and beautiful sights. It is not easy to narrow down exactly where you want to go.

Determining what you want from this trip is the best way to narrow your options. Do you want to immerse yourself in culture and visit museums and historical locations? Or do you want to find a busy city where you can go out partying every night? Or do you want to find a quiet town where you can go hiking and enjoy the nature around you? Once you have narrowed that down, choosing a place to visit in Mexico will be easy.

Secure Your Finances

Whenever you travel overseas, you should always ensure your finances are protected. Firstly, you will want to find a secure way to send money to the Mexico when booking your lodgings. You will also want to find ways to keep any cash safe that you carry around with you while in Mexico. Never leave your belongings unattended, so avoid anything being lost or taken.

Another thing you may want to do before your trip is to get yourself insured. You can get hybrid insurance for yourself if you want some flexibility in your coverage. You may also want to use a VPN while traveling to keep your data and browsing activity private.

Learn Some Spanish

As you are planning your trip to Mexico, learning a few Spanish phrases would be beneficial before you leave. Be aware that Spanish spoken in Spain differs from Spanish spoken in Mexico, so verify you are learning the correct form of Spanish and do not get confused.

The most common phrases you may find the most useful are, “Where is the bathroom,” “Hello,” “Thank you,” and “I do not speak Spanish.” Learning these phrases should help you with any interaction you may have with the locals.

Do Not Drink the Water

You may have heard many people tell you not to drink water in Mexico, and there is a reason for that. Granted, it does not mean you cannot drink any water while in Mexico, but you should never drink tap water.

The tap water in Mexico may be clean enough and has been purified to an extent, but the way it is distributed may cause some contamination, potentially ruining your trip. Therefore, it is best to stick with filtered water.

Mexico is a beautiful country filled with a rich culture and fabulous food. It is a great place to plan a trip. Just be sure to follow these tips to make the most of it.